Freight Forwarding Growth Program

Be The #1 Freight Forwarding Option In Your Country!

case studies

Hello, my name is Sergio. I am a logistics marketing expert

- Freight Forwarding massive growth

With over 15 years of digital marketing experience and Operations Manager in Freight Forwarding, I can say that I am a veteran digital marketer. With my proven ranking and growing method, I can connect your forwarding company with all the other forwarders in the world and customers that need help with the freight, customs, import, export in your country.

Multi-Channel Marketing

How Does It Work?

Doubling and tripling your clients you are receiving now. If you are relying mostly on word of mouth and old customers, then you are giving other freight forwarders the leads that belong to you. Stop giving away your leads and start growing your brand.

Top of the Google

Website optimization, landing page creation, and link building so that your website gets and stays on top of Google. We target specific keywords that clients search when they look for a freight forwarder in your country.  Long term client growth. 

Google Ads

Google ads for clients that need freight forwarders urgently. We make sure that they land on our landing page or the website and that we get their email, number, and freight forwarding needs. This way we can follow up and keep them in the database. 


We re-target all the people that came to your website or that used to be your customers. We make sure to track them and get them back to your website and get more business out of current or old clients and customers. Anywhere they go, we will follow. 

Client Retention

Getting new clients is great, but keeping them and constantly checking on them is amazing. Our sales team makes sure that all the clients are happy, give reviews, come back to you and keep on referring you to others so that the client base naturally grows. 

Stop sending clients to other freight forwarders!

Not everyone has a built marketing team around them, or the power to pull enough word of mouth referrals. Even if you are accomplished freight forwarder, I am sure that you can benefit from getting new clients monthly. Not utilizing what digital marketing is giving you is giving exclusive clients to your competitors.


Freight Forwarding Growth Packages

Limited to 1 freight forwarder per city


  • SEO optimization
  • Link building
  • Google my business management
  • Email marketing
  • Website optimization


  • Everything from regular +
  • Client retention
  • Telemarketer outbound
  • Full Time Virtual Assistant
  • Social media management

From the first month of our campaigns you will get worldwide recognition for your freight forwarding company. Each and every freight forwarder in the world will get an email, a call and introduction to your services. With all our packages you receive:

  • Database

    Entire freight forwarding database that we will send email newsletters weekly with your services and offers. We have over 20,000 freight forwarding emails, phones, addresses and we will get in touch with all of them and make sure they consider you their only partner for your country.

  • Cloud Solutions

    We include cloud solutions to get clients faster. Fast dialer so that our telemarketer can talk to all the freight forwarders in the world and get more clients directly to your email. Email autoresponder to keep on sending emails to potential clients and customers.

  • Top of the Google

    We make sure that you get on top of the Google and get organic traffic when someone is searching for a freight forwarder in your country. We also optimize other keywords so that they can find you when they look for airfreight, custom clearance, sea freight, and any other service that you can offer.

call center, phone, service

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